Thai cucumber salad

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Recipe 16 of 22

Thai cucumber salad

45 min. 4 adults by Pick-&-Joy®


Method of preparation

  1. Peel the cucumbers, cut them in half lengthwise, remove the seeds en after that cut them in thin slices.
  2. Rinse the cucumbers, sprinkle them with salt and let them drain in a sieve.
  3. After 30 minutes dry the cucumbers with a paper towel.
  4. Cut the onion in small pieces.
  5. Remove the seed from the chile peppers and cut them in small pieces.
  6. Beat the sugar and vinegar in a mixing bowl until the sugar has dissolved.
  7. Garnish the dish with pine nuts.


Want a spicy Thai cucumber salad? Then use the Pick-&-Joy® Hot Chile!


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